Partnership Opportunities

Help Those with Pulmonary Illnesses ‘Breathe Easy’ by supporting the mission and work of The FACES Foundation in one of the following ways:

  • Monetary donations of any amount, either one-time or recurring, are greatly appreciated and directly improve the education and recognition opportunities for respiratory professionals.

  • Participation in the Philip C. Lamka Memorial Golf Outing (held annually on the first Saturday in June)

  • Sponsorship of The PHIL Award®

      If you or a loved one have received outstanding care from a respiratory therapist, please contact us to discuss sponsoring The PHIL Award at that facility.

      If you work in a hospital or other healthcare setting, please contact us to discuss how The PHIL Award can help you retain quality respiratory therapists in your facility.

  • Corporate Partners
    We are grateful for the support of companies who share our passion for respiratory care. If support of the many 'faces' of pulmonary illnesses fits into your corporate giving plans, please contact Sharman Lamka, President & Co-Founder of The FACES Foundation, at 877.505-2075 ext.4 or to discuss partnership opportunities. 


The exclusive sponsor of The PHIL Award